This is some of the stuff that i putt into our final group project (shown below)
I designed the llama (and also textured)
some concepts and this was the turnaround i gave to another group member to model Everyone in the group had to do a little of everything, so i also modelled the sandwich, did some rigging and animation. Also teamed up with Megan with the credits.
without further ado, the film:
(there's some nice music in the credits, you might want to play all the way through )
After a week of teaching a summer camp and then a week of going through old things and games, I thought maybe drawing should commence once again. Just tuning into a livestream with Nicola I randomly drew this, reflecting a little of what the weather has been like lately. I also participated in an intensity stream today with Peter Chan and T-Bear over at The topic was little street performer.
So only TWO MONTHS left of school!!! I've gotta get my act together and crack down on some of my projects. Good-bye life!
Anyway, just some pics that I did during, or have been working on since the Olympics started. I started practicing that grayscale value thing on pictures. I'm starting to like it. Though i still don't particularly like how colours look when added.
This one I might still play with some colours, not sure though
I'm still stuck on the colours for this one.
Work in Progress still~ I've been slowly plugging away at it. (usually when i should be working on hw) :D
Oh man, so I haven't really posted anything yet this semester, but So far so good. The stress of graduating in May is slowly settling in, with all these big independent projects starting under way. Not to mention the Olympics getting in the way. Daaaaamn youuuuu, why does my school have to become a parking lot? No access to the facilities during that time. I guess I'll just have to do more designy stuff at home instead.
Anyway, a whole whack of stuff I've done in the past month or so~